Percentage Calculator – How to Calculate Percentages

Calculating percentages is a basic skill that we use in our daily lives, from figuring out the tip on a restaurant bill to understanding interest rates on loans. Yet, despite its importance, many people still struggle with percentages. That’s why we’ve created this comprehensive guide to help you understand how to calculate percentages with ease.

What is a Percentage?

Before we dive into the calculation process, let’s first understand what a percentage is. A percentage is a way of expressing a number as a fraction of 100. For example, if you have 25 apples and you want to express how many of those are red, you would say that 25% of the apples are red.

Calculating Percentages: The Basic Formula

The basic formula for calculating percentages is quite simple: divide the number you want to express as a percentage by the total number and multiply by 100. So, for example, if you have 20 blue marbles and 80 red marbles, and you want to express the percentage of blue marbles, you would divide 20 by 100 (the total number of marbles) and multiply by 100. This gives you a result of 20%.

Calculating Percentage Increases and Decreases

Percentages can also be used to calculate increases or decreases in value. For example, if the price of a product increases by 10%, you would calculate the new price by multiplying the old price by 1.1 (since 10% is equivalent to 0.1). Conversely, if the price decreases by 10%, you would calculate the new price by multiplying the old price by 0.9 (since a 10% decrease is equivalent to multiplying by 0.9).

Calculating Compound Interest

Another important application of percentages is in calculating compound interest. Compound interest is when interest is calculated on both the principal (the original amount of money) and the interest earned. To calculate compound interest, you need to know the principal amount, the interest rate, and the length of time the interest is compounded for. The formula for calculating compound interest is:

A = P(1 + r/n)^(nt)


A = the final amount P = the principal r = the interest rate (as a decimal) n = the number of times the interest is compounded per year t = the number of years

Using this formula, you can calculate how much money you will have at the end of a given period, taking into account the interest earned on both the principal and the interest.

Using Percentages in Real Life

Percentages are used in a variety of real-life situations, from calculating taxes to understanding stock market fluctuations. One common use of percentages is in calculating discounts. For example, if a store is offering a 20% discount on all products, you can calculate the new price by multiplying the original price by 0.8 (since a 20% discount is equivalent to multiplying by 0.8).


Calculating percentages is a crucial skill that everyone should know. Whether you’re trying to calculate the tip on a restaurant bill or understand interest rates on a loan, understanding percentages is essential. By following the simple formulas and examples outlined in this guide, you’ll be able to calculate percentages with ease.

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