Body Adiposity Index Calculator

We provide an easy-to-use BAI calculator that allows you to quickly determine your body fat percentage. Our BAI calculator is more accurate than other calculators available online, as it takes into account different body shapes and sizes.

Hip Circumference


The Body Adiposity Index (BAI) is a measure of body fat content that takes into account a person’s hip circumference and height. It is an alternative to the Body Mass Index (BMI) that has been used for decades. The BAI is considered to be more accurate than the BMI in determining body fat percentage, especially in individuals with a high muscle mass or different body shapes.

At our website, we provide an easy-to-use BAI calculator that allows you to quickly determine your body fat percentage. Our BAI calculator is more accurate than other calculators available online, as it takes into account different body shapes and sizes. In this article, we will explain what the BAI is, how it works, and why it is important. We will also provide tips on how to use our BAI calculator and interpret the results.

What is the Body Adiposity Index (BAI)?

The BAI was developed in 2011 by Dr. Richard Bergman and his colleagues at the University of Southern California. It is a measure of body fat content that is calculated using a person’s hip circumference and height. Unlike the BMI, which uses weight and height, the BAI takes into account the fact that body fat is distributed differently in different people.

How does the BAI work?

The BAI formula is relatively simple. It is calculated by dividing a person’s hip circumference (in centimeters) by their height (in meters) raised to the power of 1.5, and then subtracting 18. The resulting number is the person’s BAI. For example, if a person’s hip circumference is 100 cm and their height is 1.8 meters, their BAI would be calculated as follows:

BAI = (100 / (1.8)^1.5) – 18 = 25.5

The BAI is then compared to a chart that takes into account the person’s age and gender to determine their body fat percentage. A BAI of less than 21 is considered to be underweight, while a BAI of between 21 and 33 is considered to be healthy. A BAI of between 33 and 39 is considered to be overweight, while a BAI of over 39 is considered to be obese.

Why is the BAI important?

The BAI is important because it is a more accurate measure of body fat percentage than the BMI, especially in individuals with a high muscle mass or different body shapes. The BMI is often criticized for being inaccurate in athletes or bodybuilders, who may have a high muscle mass but a low body fat percentage. The BAI takes into account the fact that body fat is distributed differently in different people, making it a more accurate measure of body fat percentage.

How to use our BAI calculator

Using our BAI calculator is easy. Simply enter your height (in feet and inches or in meters) and your hip circumference (in inches or centimeters) into the calculator, and click on the “Calculate” button. The calculator will then display your BAI and your estimated body fat percentage.

Interpreting the results

Once you have your BAI and your estimated body fat percentage, you can use this information to make changes to your diet and exercise routine. If your BAI is below 21, you may need to increase your caloric intake and focus on building muscle mass. If your BAI is between 21 and 33, you are in a healthy range and should focus on maintaining your current weight and body fat percentage. If your BAI is between 33 and 39, you may need to make changes to your diet and exercise routine to reduce your body fat percentage.

At EazyCalculator, we are committed to providing our users with the best possible tools and resources to help them achieve their health and fitness goals. Our Body Adiposity Index Calculator is just one of the many tools we offer to help you track your progress and make positive changes to your lifestyle. So why wait? Try our calculator today and take the first step towards a healthier, happier you!

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