BMI Calculator

Calculating your BMI is simple and can be done using our easy-to-use BMI calculator. Simply select your gender, select your age range, enter you height and weight into the calculator, and the result will show your BMI score.


At EazyCalculator, we understand the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle. One key component of maintaining good health is keeping track of your Body Mass Index (BMI). BMI is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. It is widely used as a screening tool to determine whether someone is underweight, overweight or at a healthy weight.

Calculating your BMI is simple and can be done using our easy-to-use BMI calculator. Simply enter your height and weight into the calculator, and the result will show your BMI score. In this article, we will explain what BMI is, why it’s important to know your BMI, and how to accurately calculate your BMI using the EazyCalculator BMI calculator.

What is BMI?

BMI is a measure of body fat based on your weight in relation to your height. It is calculated by dividing your weight (in kilograms) by your height (in meters squared). The resulting number is your BMI score. BMI is widely used as a screening tool to determine whether someone is underweight, overweight or at a healthy weight.

Why is it important to know your BMI?

Knowing your BMI is important because it can help you determine whether you are at a healthy weight, which in turn can help you reduce your risk of developing weight-related health problems such as heart disease, diabetes, and high blood pressure.

How to accurately calculate your BMI using the EazyCalculator BMI calculator

Calculating your BMI is simple and can be done using the EazyCalculator BMI calculator. To accurately calculate your BMI, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the EazyCalculator website and navigate to the BMI calculator page.
  2. Enter your height in feet and inches or in centimeters.
  3. Enter your weight in pounds or in kilograms.
  4. Click the “Calculate” button.

The result will show your BMI score, which you can use to determine whether you are underweight, overweight, or at a healthy weight.

How to interpret your BMI score

Once you have calculated your BMI score, you can use the following chart to interpret your score:

  • BMI below 18.5: Underweight
  • BMI between 18.5 and 24.9: Healthy weight
  • BMI between 25 and 29.9: Overweight
  • BMI of 30 or higher: Obese

If your BMI score indicates that you are underweight or overweight, it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for advice on how to achieve a healthy weight.


Knowing your BMI is an important step in maintaining good health. By using the EazyCalculator BMI calculator, you can easily calculate your BMI and determine whether you are at a healthy weight. Remember that BMI is just one tool that can be used to assess your health, and it’s important to consult a healthcare professional for personalized advice.

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